Friday, 29 December 2023

New Species (for me) of Vascular Plants Found in Cornwall in 2023 - Part 2

 This blog continues and concludes the list of vascular plants found in Cornwall in 2023 that were new to me. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please see the previous blog if you missed Part 1.

There are a large amount of wild Geranium family species to find in the wild, both native and naturalised aliens, the plant below being one of the latter. It had escaped from a garden onto the verge of a rural by-way. The leaves looked like giant Herb Robert, but the flowers showed this to be Rock Cranesbill.

Geranium macrorrhizum

I hadn't realised we had Water Avens in Cornwall, so when I stumbled across some records for them I was keen to look for them. Their habitat was easy enough to find as they only like very damp or wet ground, but what did make it difficult was that all around them were hybrid swarms where they had hybridised with Wood Avens (see next species below).

Geum rivale

The hybrid between Wood and Water Avens - Geum x intermedium

Lesser Marshwort was another plant I had searched a few sites for and failed to find, however I had been looking for a much larger plant than they actually were. They are related to Fool's Water Cress (Helosciadium nodiflorum) and hybridise with them too. This is a large plant, so I had wrongly assumed Lesser Marshwort was large too. In fact, the plants I eventually found on The Lizard in a drying out pool were only a few inches across. I missed them being in flower, which is from May to June, as I didn't find them until September.

Helosciadium inundatum

It's about time we had some ferns, so here are our two filmy ferns that we have here in Cornwall. Again, they were shown to us on a Cornwall Botany Group field trip and I doubt that I would have found them without guidance. They grow in inaccessible dark cracks between the granite boulders on Bodmin Moor and to get any photos I had to take them blind with a flash. The crevices were too small and awkward to get down to look in a viewfinder and too dark to see anything in it anyway!

Hymenophyllum tunbrigense


Growing with it was Wilson's Filmy Fern - Hymenophyllum wilsonii, which in my opinion is the more attractive fern of the two.


Toadflax-leaved St John's-wort was found along the quarried walls of a disused railway near Sladesbridge. It's considered native here and was no doubt spread locally by the railways. Since they have closed down and the woodland has encroached, they will likely die out from the area soon, being overshaded and out competed for the available light. I think the only other place they are found in the south, is in Devon.

Hypericum linariifolium


Imperforate St John's-wort is one that I searched for in Kent but failed to find. It's only found at one site there now near Eynsford, so it was great to see some on another Cornwall Botany Group field trip, this time to Goss Moor. It's quite a strikingly different St. John's-wort and what strikes you first is the streaky black lines along the petals. Of course, the leaves also lack the transluscent dots found in its more common cousin Perforate St. John's-wort.

Hypericum maculatum subsp obtusiusculum


Several rushes follow. It's not surprising that they are new to me as they can be a difficult group to identify with certainty, but going out with experts certainly helps!

Bristle-club Rush - Isolepsis setacea

Bubous Rush - Juncus bulbosus

Saltmarsh Rush - Juncus gerardii


The elusive Frog Rush - Juncus ranarius


And finally, Heath Rush - Juncus squarrosus

Let's get back to some nice flowering plants with petals! I found some Box-leaved Honeysuckle down a rural by-way, probably owing its presence there as a garden throw out/fly tipping.

Lonicera pileata

Slender Birdsfoot Trefoil was on the Kent likely to be extinct list until recently, when a colony was found along the River Stour valley in East Kent. So it was nice to find out that I have several scattered populations along the north cliffs fairly local to me to go and discover.

Lotus angustissimus

Growing near to the above and sometimes with it, was Hairy Birdsfoot Trefoil.

Lotus subbiflorus

We tend to take Daffodils for granted as they are simply everwhere, however, the vast majority are cultivars of hybrid origin and have been planted, discarded or fly tipped along our roads and lanes. So it was refreshing to see our native Daffodil in abundance in several locations, but especially around Respryn Bridge near Lanhydrock House. They really do look a lot different (and nicer) than cultivated species.

Narcissus pseudonarcissus ssp pseudonarcissus 

The lack of Sea Carrot in Kent means I hadn't found this subspecies of Common Broomrape in Kent, but in Cornwall, Sea Carrot is abundant, so it followed that Sea Carrot Broomrape would be more likely to be found too, and so it was. On sand dunes at Trevone.

Orobanche minor subsp maritima

I spotted some tiny Yellow Oxalis in a gravel car park that keyed out to be Least Yellow Sorrel.

Oxalis exilis

Below is another Oxalis that we found on the same trip to Hayle as the Fumaria purpurea mentioned in Part 1.

Broadleaf Sorrel - Oxalis latifolia

Early Meadow Grass found in Bodmin Hospital car park. I later found lots of it on a disused airfield near St Agnes too.

Poa infirma

A tip off from the VCR in April led me to a lay-by on a main road to see Dwarf Cherry trees, lots of them.

Prunus cerasus

I think everyone must have seen Curled Dock before, but this year, I decided to identify them to sub species level once they were in seed. Subsp crispus is the common inland form, subsp littoreus is found on the seashores and below is subsp uliginosus from the River Camel saltmarshes. Although it's likely been there many years, it's a first record for Cornwall, confirmed by the BSBI Rumex referee. I think I spotted some at Lower Stoke saltmarshes in Kent in November too, but they had lost their tepals, so I couldn't be sure.

Rumex crispus subsp uliginosus

When it is in flower, Heath Pearlwort is a pretty little plant, found on dry tracks, coastal cliffs and heaths, it's relatively common here, but easy to miss.

Sagina subulata

A naturalised alien, Krauss' clubmoss inadvertantly introduced into Heligan Gardens.

Selaginella kraussiana

While walking across a pasture field on The Lizard, I came across a giant groundsel like plant with toothed smelly (of TCP) leaves. It turned out to be Toothed Fireweed which is spreading from the Scilly Isles and onto The Lizard peninsular. Given it disperses seed by wind, I expect a rapid expansion of its range within a few years.

Senecio minimus

Another new species from the Hayle field trip was the Kangaroo Apple widely naturalised in the area from municipal plantings nearby.

Solanum aviculare

Each Spring, I have a look around for any unusual Dandelions to identify. This tiny plant was found on short coastal turf, and while it's meant to be fairly common, I'd failed to find it before.

Taraxacum rubicundum

Another garden escape was Lesser Meadow-rue, found on mildly acidic soil not far from habitation. though sadly not in flower.

Thalictrum minus

Narrow-leaved Clover is an alien species that I found growing in a disused field that was fenced off and about to be built on. It probably came in on farming equipment or possibly as a fodder crop relict. Either way, it is going to be bulldozed very soon. I'll have a look around after the houses go up to see if any survived, but I doubt it.

Trifolium angustifolium

There's not much to look at with Marsh Arrowgrass, but until this year it had eluded me finding it. Apparently frequent along streams and wet areas, especially near the coasts.

Triglochin palustris

My final new species found in Cornwall in 2023 was another alien plant that had found its way onto a rural road verge near Treligga, Pyrenean Valerian. It was last recorded in Cornwall in the 1950s, so it is an uncommon find and as such it featured in the BSBI News, Aliens and Adventives section a few months ago.

Valeriana pyrenaica 

I'm sorry Part 2 was a bit long, but it wraps up my Cornwall finds for 2023 that were new to me. I'll finish off by cheekily throwing in a new species I found when travelling back to Kent to see family. On the A303 on the Somerset/Dorset border I stopped off briefly to see the amazing Fly x Bee Orchid hybrid. It's well known at this site and has been here for several years.

Ophrys apifera x insectifera - O. x pietzschii 

I hope you enjoyed these plants, I certainly did and there's so many more to see, both locally and throughout the UK, that I doubt that I will run out of new species to see. I wonder what 2024 will bring? 

Take care and have a Happy New Year.


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