Tuesday, 26 December 2023

New Species (for me) of Vascular Plants Found in Cornwall in 2023 - Part 1

 Despite finding a host of  new species in my first full year in Cornwall in 2022, there are always new plants to see and this 2 part blog showcases a further list of new species I found here in 2023. I have posted them alphabetically using their scientific names.


 My first species was Lesser Quaking Grass. I was familiar with Quaking Grass (Briza media) from the Kent chalk turf and Greater Quaking Grass (Briza maxima) from various pavements in Cornwall; but this species was much smaller and is found in arable fields in Cornwall. It is an alien species that has established here. It's quite odd that each species has its own particular niche environment that it thrives in, all different to the others.

Briza minor

Next up is another grass, this one being Marsh Foxtail. It's a relatively common plant here, but I'd not come across it in Kent, probably due to the lack of suitable damp habitats. 

Alopecurus geniculatus

Escaped and naturalised garden plants are a common feature of Cornish botany. The mostly frost free climate lends itself to many more species naturalising here than the rest of mainland England.

Below is Japanese Anemone which I found in several places, usually by habitation, but this one was in a lay-by on The Lizard heathland, so was likely fly-tipped in the past and has since flourished.

Anemone x hybrida

One of my favourite finds were colonies of Long-stalked Orache being present in 3 new colonies along the tidal River Camel. Prior to these finds, it had only been recorded once before in the county in a creek south of Truro. I had found several colonies of hybrids between this species and Babington's Orache, so it was great to pin down the rarer parent species. Having access to the BSBI Atriplex referee was a great help too to confirm the identity of these plants. Have a look back at my 2023 Autumn blogs for full details of these finds and how to identify this species.

Atriplex longipes

Another grass follows, this time it was Cultivated Oats found in reasonable quantity along a rural road verge with no arable fields nearby. I suspect some seed fell off a passing tractor at some point. It's a very tall grass!

Avena sativa subsp sativa

Soft Brome is very common almost everywhere here, but there is a very short coastal subspecies that only grows a few inches tall, and I found plenty along the north coastal cliffs. As you can see in the photo, a stunted Thrift plant is taller than this grass!

Bromus hordeaceus subsp ferronii

Next up are four new bindweeds, again, please refer back to my summer blogs for full details.

First up:

Hairy Bindweed - Calystegia pulchra

Pink Hedge Bindweed - Calystegia sepium subsp roseata

Hybrid Bindweed, Hedge x Large - Calystegia x lucana

Finally, the hybrid between Hedge and Hairy Bindweeds, new to Cornwall - Calystegia x scanica

The first of three new Sedge species, Oval Sedge - Carex leporina

Small-fruited Prickly Sedge - Carex muricata subsp pairae

Finally, Greater Tussock Sedge - Carex paniculata

Anywhere close to a large manure heap is usually a good area to look for Chenopodiums (Goosefoots) and on a walk close to Hustyn Wood I found Striped Goosefoot. It's not strictly speaking a new species as I have come across this in the past in Kent, but failed to identify it. I persevered this time. I think this is far more common than thought as it is likely very much under recorded across the country.

Chenopodium strictum subsp strictum

Yellow Centaury was a plant on my wish list, yet when I found it on a Lizard heathland track, I was rather disappointed with the photos. It's uncommon and declining, but still found on the drier heaths where the ground is open or disturbed.

Cicendia filiformis

In summer of 2023 I purchased the Hybrid Flora of UK and Ireland by Prof. Clive Stace. On reading through it I noticed there was a hybrid between Marsh Thistle and Meadow Thistle mentioned. We have just two venues where both species occur and one had recently been cut, so I went off to Bottaborough Moor in the north of the county. I only found three diminuitive thistles still in flower, but they looked intermediate between the species and the BSBI Cirsium referee confirmed the hybrid after I posted him a dried and pressed sample. New to Cornwall.

Cirsium x forsteri

Floating Club-Rush is likely a species I'd seen before but failed to identify it. However, once you get your eye in, it's quite easy to spot, looking like a lime green grass growing in water. Hopefully, in 2024 I will find it in flower.

Eleogiton fluitans

Going back to January of 2023 and Portuegese Heath was in flower along a main road in the clay country and also along the dunes of Carlyon Bay beach. Long naturalised in the county and apparently increasing its range. It's a very attractive plant when in flower, so I can see why it was planted in gardens.

Erica lusitanica

Common Cotton Grass is quite common in wet heaths and bogs here and it was also present at Hothfield Bog in Kent. However, the much rarer Harestail Cotton Grass had eluded me until it was shown to us on a Cornwall Botany field trip at Creney Farm. A week later and I found some in a hillside bog near St Austell too.

Eriophorum vaginatum

Back to a coastal area near Bude and I found Sea Storksbill for the first time. Again, I must have walked past this species many times. The rosettes look very similar to Common Storksbill, just without any flowers, but look closer and they are in flower, it just has no petals and the green sepals merge into the foliage, hiding it from view. There are actually 3 flowers in the photo below, see if you can find them.

Erodium maritimum

Purple Ramping Fumitory was on my to find list and I had visited a few sites where it had previously been recorded without success. On a Cornwall Botany Group field trip to the Hayle estuary, mainly looking for Glassworts, we came across several clumps of this most beautiful of fumitories close to the shoreline. The lilac-purple colouring was striking.

Fumaria purpurea

My last species for Part 1 was the rather small Field Gentian. I had searched historical sites for this species in August and September and failed to find any. My last attempt to find it was along a path across The Lizard heathland where they had been seen in recent years and I was rewarded with a few hundred plants scattered around the path. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy dull day, and Gentians only open their flowers when it's sunny, but great to add this one to the list of species seen anyway. Note the two large and two small sepals (it also only has 4 petals) that distinguish it from the other gentians.

Gentianella campestris

That was quite a varied list, but there's another list of great plants to follow in Part 2 soon. I hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as I did finding them.

Take care


Thursday, 30 November 2023

Botanical Finds in Cornwall - November 2023

 It's been a wet but mild month and with the daylight hours becoming fewer, there's nowhere near as much to find as I might have done a few weeks ago. However, I am ever the optimist when I venture out and I did find some plants of interest, these follow below.

A visit to Daymer Bay found some scattered Carline Thistles. This one had gone to seed, but to be fair, they don't look much different when in flower! 

Carlina vulgaris

When they are flowering, the centre amber coloured fluffy bit in the middle, has rings of 5 merrous flowers, with white or purple petals. Here's a photo I took of one in Kent a few years back so you can see for yourself what they look like in flower.


 Not far from the thistles were several Evening Primroses. This one was the hybrid between Common and Large-flowered called, Intermediate Evening Primrose.

Oenothera x fallax

 Nearby was one of the parent species, Common Evening Primrose. It lacks red colouring to the sepals and pods which you can see in the hybrid above and has no red blisters on the stems from which the stem hairs arise. Also in Common Evening Primrose, the stamens are about the same length as the style and with much smaller flowers than Large-flowered.

Oenothera biennis

It had poured down with rain the previous few hours, so many flowers around had closed up or looked a bit bedraggled like this Common Storksbill below.

Erodium cicutarium

Whilst on my knees looking in the short coastal turf, I noticed a shiny black beetle. I researched it and I think it is an Umbellifer Leaf Beetle though it was on Mouse-ear Hawkweed. However, Sea Carrot and Garden Parsley were close by.

Chrysolina oricalcia

 A few days later I took a slow walk around Portloe on the Roseland Peninsular with this south coast location making a welcome change to the rugged north coast cliffs of Cornwall. On a roadside wall I found some Wall-rue which is always nice to find.

Asplenium ruta-muraria

 On a path from the village to the coast path I came across a patch of Pink Purlane which is widely naturalised in Cornwall and can spread without human help (i.e. not planted or just surviving where dumped with soil). I've even found them along rural roadside verges in the Cornish hedge/walls.

Claytonia sibirica


The biggest surprise of this trip to Portloe wasn't a rare or unusual plant, but a common spring flowering species called Lesser Celandine. The surprise was that I found one in flower, by far the earliest flowering time for me seeing it. Previously late December was the earliest I had seen a few flowering. I guess this had something to do with the very mild and damp Autumn so far.

Ficaria verna


 Birdsfoot is a small plant with tiny flowers (alas not out now) and I commonly find it in poor, thin soils. It's just at home in habitats like the Bodmin Moor; on coastal cliffs and paths; china clay waste sites and even on pasture turf where cattle have poached the soil causing bare patches in the earth.

Ornithopus perpusillus


Sea Radish was abundant along the cliff path close to the sea, but only one plant still had flowers, the rest were in seed, with their distinctive pods which are edible too.

Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus


A fallow arable field just off the coast path threw up some nice plants such as this Common Ramping Fumitory. There were at least 100 plants in this field alone.

Fumaria muralis


Also present was the largest amount of Corn Spurry I had ever seen in one field, probably thousands of plants. Of course, due to the damp, dull weather, only a few had open flowers.

Spergula arvensis


Field Woundwort was the last interesting species in this field.

Stachys arvensis

As I returned to the village, I found some very early flowering Sweet Violets, and I saw many Common Dog Violets (Viola riviniana) in flower on the same walk too.

Viola reichenbachiana


Late in the month, I took a short walk along the river Camel at Wadebridge whilst my partner was in the nearby doctor's surgery. I was very surprised to stumble upon a clump of Long-stalked Orache growing by the town slipway. This is a rare plant in Cornwall, though I had previously discovered two other populations nearby, so it wasn't a total surprise. The BSBI referee for Atriplex confirmed its identity. I didn't have a camera with me, so I picked a sprig to take home to verify it. The plant's seeds were numerous on the slipway waiting for the next spring tides to carry them off to populate new areas.

This species has (as the name suggests) long stalks to the bracteoles and it's leafy to the tip of the plant. The bracteoles are of two sizes, larger ones to 1cm long on stalks and smaller ones to 5mm in the leaf axils. The smaller bracteoles often have one of two indistinct tubercles on each side of the bracteoles too.

Atriplex longipes


My last walk of the month was along the Camel Trail upstream of Bodmin where I found the distinctive leaves of Sanicle. It will flower in the Spring next year I hope.

Sanicula europaea


 My final offering in this blog was another early flowering species, Winter Heliotrope. It's a garden escaped species which has widely naturalised throughout the southern UK and is now very common. It usually flowers from mid to late December into January, but it's already started flowering, a few weeks early.

Petasites pyrenaicus

These species coming into flower early could lead one to think that the winter to come will be mild, however, I'm writing this on the last day of November with snow on the ground on the moors and very cold temperatures over the whole of the UK. So, on balance, I think that a few plants just take advantage of the conditions in autumn if they are suitable and flower early. The vast majority will flower at their usual times, thus ensuring the continuation of those species should the Autumn flowering plants not survive to seed.

Until next time, take care



Sunday, 5 November 2023

Botanical Finds in Cornwall - October 2023

 October remained mild with a conveyor belt of low pressure systems moving in from the Atlantic bringing rain and wind for much of the month. So it was a soggy time searching for plants this month. I'd rather have this weather than frost though, as the cold finishes off so many of our late summer wildflowers. The following is what I found of note this month around Cornwall.

On a trip to the Roseland Peninsular a few miles west of Mevagissey, I found a single patch of Cornish Heath in flower. This was quite a surprise as they are only common on The Lizard peninsular and heaths of the SW of the county. I've no idea how it got here on the coastal path with no habitation nearby, but it was a new record for the area and a welcome find.

Erica vagans

Another new record for the area was a patch of Portland Spurge at the base of some cliffs. In late season they often have bright red stems and so stand out from the crowd.

Euphorbia portlandica

There's something wonderful about walking along beautiful deserted beaches at this time of the year. This is Vault Beach on the Roseland, which would be packed with holidaymakers during the summer. In the distance a stand of Common Reed grows through the sand, thanks to a freshwater flush coming off the cliffs. The pale green plants are going to seed Sea Sandwort. I think it's amazing how they survive the trampling through the summer.

From the same area, I found a few Haresfoot Clover still flowering.

Trifolium arvense

I also found another clover, but this one had no flowers. By careful study of the leaves it seems to be Subterranean Clover, a nice plant to find.

Trifolium subterraneum

Long-stalked Orache had previously only been found at Penpol in a tributary of the River Fowey, though its hybid with Babington's Orache seems more widespread. It's an upper saltmarsh plant often growing at the top of the foreshore under deciduous trees or with some shelter from shrubs. As I was searching the saltmarshes of Cornwall for Glassworts and other interesting plants, I came across this rare plant at Little Petherick Creek, a tributary of the tidal River Camel. It's a boring plant to look at, being all green with no petals at all. The "flowers" are actually a pair of bracteoles that clasp the nutlet within it. The shape, degree of attachment to each other, whether stalked or with tubercles, all help determine which species of Orache they might be. However, long stalks to the bracteoles applies only to Long-stalked Orache, so the photo below shows that feature for you. It was verified by the BSBI referee for Atriplex.

Atriplex longipes


A few days later, I found a larger population of Long-stalked Orache well upstream of Wadebridge in the tidal River Camel, in similar habitat to that described above. Whilst there, I also found the Saltmarsh Curled Dock in large numbers, not previously recorded in Cornwall. It was likely overlooked before as the usual type of Curled Dock or Curled Sea Dock. 

All three are subspecies of Curled Dock, where they have morphologically adapted to their environments.

In the photo below, I know it looks dead, but basal leaves were present and the tepals containing the nutlets are diagnostic. This is the only curled dock that grows in saltmarsh and is often 1.5-2m tall. Again, this was confirmed by the BSBI referee for Rumex.

Rumex crispus subsp uliginosus

Before we leave these odd looking plants, I thought I would add another one. Whilst walking the sea wall at Looe, I found an unusual looking Orache that looked like Babington's Orache - but not quite. I again had it checked with the referee and he determined it to be the hybrid between Babington's Orache and Long-stalked Orache. Of course, to use the referee, you have to be a member of the BSBI; take plenty of close up, in focus photographs of the relevant parts of the plant and sometimes take a sample too.

Atriplex x taschereaui


 In a field edge near Little Petherick, I found a few Dwarf Spurge, a declining arable plant. The field had not long been tilled, so the plants as a whole looked a bit tatty.

Euphorbia exigua

 In my previous blog, I mentioned finding the hybrid between Hedge and Hairy Bindweed. Below is one of the parents of that hybrid, the pink flowered Hairy Bindweed. Its bracteoles are large and overlapping hiding the sepals (much like Large Bindweed, of which the flowers are of a similar size). The flower stems also have sinuous (twisting) small wings along the stem, usually with small or minute hairs.

Calystegia pulchra


 In a shopping centre car park at Fraddon, I noticed an upright, ascending Knotweed with very narrow leaves of two sizes. I noticed the nutlets were protruding quite a bit and on a closer look, I could see they were three sided (trigonous) with concave sides.  This had to be Cornfield Knotweed as no other Knotweed fits this description. A nice find, though in an unusual place.

Polygonum rurivagum


With everything dying back, I wondered what I could go and look for. I noticed in the "Hybrid Flora" by Clive Stace, that there was a hybrid between Marsh and Meadow Thistles. Both are present in Cornwall, though the latter is very localised in two locations. As such, I went off to one of the sites to try and find some. On looking around the site, I was dismayed to find that all the thistles had gone over, leaving dead sticks poking up with little left to determine whether they were hybrids. However, I carried on looking and I was rewarded with finding three likely hybrids as they were clearly intermediate between the two thistle species. Fortunately, I took one as a sample, that I later sent to the BSBI Cirsium referee. He confirmed the plant as the hybrid, a first for Cornwall as a whole, so that was good for the first attempt at finding them! I won't go into the details here, but if you are familiar with both species, you can see that the plant below isn't a proper match for either Marsh or Meadow Thistle.

Cirsium x forsteri

At the same site as above, I found a lone Wavy-leaved St. John's-wort still in flower (below). Note the wavy leaves from which it gets its name. The crimson stripes on the underside of the petals is also very distinctive.

Hypericum undulatum

A late flowering Common Valerian also caught my eye as they mostly flower in late Spring.

Valeriana officinalis subsp sambucifolia

Near the end of the month I returned to the Roseland and at Pendower Beach I looked in a cave at the top of the beach. I was amazed to find over 50 Sea Spleenworts growing in it, which was probably a gross under estimate. It was the finest display of this fern I've yet seen. Of course, inside a cave it's rather dark and unsuitable for photography. I couldn't get inside for a flash photo as fallen rocks were an obstacle. Suffice to say, if you find a cave, have a (careful) look inside.

Asplenium marinum

In a Roseland field edge, I found Lesser Quaking Grass for the first time. I'm familiar with the usual Quaking Grass found on the chalk grasslands of Kent and of course Greater Quaking Grass, which is a common garden escape here in Cornwall, but these were tiny. The easiest way to tell them apart from the bigger types is that the flowers/seeds are all green. They aren't native, but unlike the other Quaking Grass species, these are found in arable or pasture fields.

Briza minor

It's fungi time, but after a brief dabble with them, I moved onto plants, though I still photograph and try to identify any unusual looking fungi I might come across. These are White Spindles, growing in a pasture field.

Clavaria fragilis

Hard Fern is probably one of the easiest ferns to identify and is widely found on acidic soils in shaded places. However, unlike most ferns, this species throws up two types of frond as shown below. The narrow one is the fertile frond and the underside is full of spores. The thicker frond has no spores and is used by the plant solely for photosynthesis and not for reproduction. 

Blechnum spicant

Chickory is uncommon here, but it does pop up occasionally. Here, it was growing in a field edge, but I have seen them growing on roundabouts and road verges too.

Cichorium intybus

A Long-stalked Cranesbill growing well on a rural path verge.

Geranium columbinum

Red Hot Pokers growing up an inaccessible cliff on the south coast. I think it's fairly safe to say they arrived naturally and were not planted. One would have needed ropes and climbing equipment to get to them!


That rounds up my October finds. The month wasn't full of vibrant colourful flowers, which is to be expected now, but I did find some very interesting plants, some rarities and some species not previously recorded in Cornwall. One never knows what is out there until one goes out looking and finds it!

Best Wishes



New Species (for me) of Vascular Plants Found in Cornwall in 2024

 Another year has passed us by and with the BSBI New Year Plant Hunt just concluded, now is the time to detail the new species I've seen...