Wednesday, 1 January 2025

New Year Plant Hunts in Cornwall 2024/25

 The New Year Plant Hunt is organised by the BSBI and has now run for several years. Botanists and beginners from all the UK and Ireland, go out and about for 4 days (3 hours per trip allowed) over the new year period and log all plants they can find that are in flower - provided they are growing wild and are not planted or in gardens. Most of the plants I have featured can be found in most towns by anyone, there are few rarities flowering at this time of the year.

See for more details. It's purpose is two fold. It gives some scientific data that, over time, may show trends for a warming or cooling climate and it gets people involved and interested in botany, especially those that had never tried it before. So, the following are plants from new year plant hunts in Cornwall from two organised field trips.

The first was at Mevagissey on the 29th December, organised by the Three Bays Wildlife Group. This is a sheltered coastal town in South Cornwall with a variety of habitats. The more habitats, the more likely you are to find more species flowering. I didn't photograph every single flower, but all in, we found 79 species of native or naturalised flowering plants here.

Betony - Betonica officinalis

Adria Bellflower - Campanula portenschlagiana
Red Valerian - Centranthus ruber
Sea Carrot - Daucus carota subsp gummifer
Mexican Fleabane - Erigeron karvinskianus

Common Whitlowgrass - Erophila verna
Mediterranean Spurge - Euphorbia characias
Wild Strawberry - Ficaria verna
Wood Avens - Geum urbanum
Atlantic Ivy - Hedera hibernica
Common Ragwort - Jacobaea vulgaris
Red Dead-Nettle - Lamium purpureum

Lesser Celandine - Ficaria verna
Jersey Cudweed - Laphangium luteoalbum
Ox-Eye Daisy - Leucanthemum vulgare
Small-flowered Buttercup - Ranunculus parviflorus
Field Madder - Sherardia arvensis
Red Campion - Silene dioica

Hedge Mustard - Sisymbrium officinale
Prickly Sow-Thistle - Sonchus asper
Hedge Woundwort - Stachys sylvatica
Dandelion - Taraxacum lampropyllum 
Verified by Alex Prendergast
Scentless Mayweed - Tripleurospermum inodorum
 Nasturtium - Tropaeolum majus (naturalised)
Navelwort - Umbilicus rupestris
Black Mullein - Verbascum nigrum
Germander Speedwell - Veronica chamaedrys
Thyme-leaved Speedwell - Veronica serpyllifolia
Hybrid Wild x Field Pansy - Viola x contempta 
(we also found Field Pansy nearby).
Garden Pansy in an arable field - Viola x wittrockiana
The steep walk up from the harbour towards Portmellon, we found Sea Campion in flower by these steps.

On the 31st December the Cornwall Botany Group led a hunt from Seaton to Downderry on the south east coast of Cornwall. Here's some of the species we found. I won't post photos of any already shown above though. We found a total of 66 flowering plants this time.

 Three-cornered Leek - Allium triquetrum
Snapdragon - Antirrhinum majus
Hybrid Elephant's Ears (naturalised on cliffs) - Bergenia x schmidtii (a first for VC2)
Trailing Bellflower - Campanula poscharskyana
Naturalised Hottentot Fig - Carpobrotus edulis
Wild Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum
Hebe c.v. naturalised widely on cliffs
Toothed Medick - Medicago polymorpha
Pink-headed Persicaria - Persicaria capitata (naturalised)
Sea Radish - Raphanus raphanistrum subsp maritimum
Rosemary (naturalised) - Rosmarinus officinalis
Bramble - Rubus fruticosus agg.
Sea Campion - Silene uniflora
Alexanders - Smyrnium olusatrum
Common Michaelmas Daisy (naturalised) - Symphotrychum x salignum
Sea Mayweed - Tripleurospermum maritimum
Gorse - Ulex europaeus
Sweet Violet - Viola odorata

 On both trips, we all had a great time and the weather was kind. A third trip planned for the 1st January 2025 at Hayle was cancelled due to forecast bad weather. Just as well, as it rained all day long, heavily!

I hope you enjoyed the selection: urban and coastal areas will always have more species flowering than inland rural areas, due to less frost/warmer climate and the influence of humans in providing additional habitats for smaller plants, such as car parks, wasteground, walls and such like.

Take care and happy new year.

Cornwall Botany - Jan-Feb 2025

 As one might imagine, there's nowhere near as much to see at this time of the year, compared to the Summer months. However, there's...